See.Sense Smart Cycling

Challenges addressed

Sustainable Mobility: Encouraging use of active (non-motorised) travel.
>See.Sense and BT will deliver an innovative smart cycling project providing Dublin, Manchester and Antwerp with new, crowdsourced mobility insights into travel patterns and the use of city infrastructure with the overarching aim of encouraging growth in active travel.

The project will engage 800 citizens in the collection of cycling data (including real-time location of journeys, speed, dwell time, road surface quality, collisions and qualitative survey data) gathered through the See.Sense bike lights and companion app.

This data will then be analysed and visualised in the BT DataHub, alongside other data sets that the city holds. Through the pilot, new methods of increasing data trust with citizens will be explored, empowering users with greater control over their data privacy. The pilot will also seek to contribute to the development of a new International Standard for cycling data, to be developed and applied in conjunction with Cycling Industries Europe (CIE)

Cities involved

Manchester, Dublin, Antwerp